Saturday 15 June 2013

Wind Energy Vehicle technology

Wind Energy Vehicle1

Wind Energy Vehicle project is  developed for the users to use a vehicle using wind energy. A wind mill generates electric power from wind energy. The electric power is stored in a battery. The car gets energy from the battery.


•  Wind mill

•  Battery

•  Robotic car

•  Rotating blades

•  Gear and wheel setup

•  Coil and permanent magnet


It works on following principle.

1. The vanes in the turbine are rotated with constant speed.
2.The gear setup can be adjusted to control the rotation speed. 
3.A magnet is connected with the gear. 
4.The magnet will be rotated along with the vanes.
5.The coil is fixed around the magnet.
6. According to Faraday's law, "As long as there is a change in magnetic flux linked with the coil, an emf is induced." So, In each and every rotation, electricity is generated.
7.The energy from the windmill is stored in a battery. The car gets energy from the battery.

Wind Energy VehicleWind Energy Vehicle2

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